Additional Qualifications



Additional non-degree academic qualifications or certified courses can give your application for a security role a little boost. You can also learn extra skills, network with experienced practitioners, and complement your existing experiences. See our below list of various free and paid courses available for you now!

For more tips and information on getting into the security field, visit our Advice Page and Careers Page, as well as our Diversity in Security Page for dedicated support for women, the LGBTQ+ community, and Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC).

Please note, the following content contains links to third party websites not affiliated with, endorsed or associated with Graduates In Security, that are used at your own risk. For more on third party websites, please see our Terms & Conditions.

Have we missed any useful courses or certificates here? Let us know via Twitter.



Coursera | Paradoxes of War (Princeton University) -  part of a variety of free online courses that can be completed in your own time.

Coursera | Responding to 9/11: Counterterrorism Policy in the 21st Century (Duke University) - part of a variety of free online courses that can be completed online. 

Coursera | Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practise (Leiden University) – part of a variety of free online courses that can be completed in your own time.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  |  MIT Open Courseware – part of a variety of free MIT undergraduate course materials that can be accessed online and completed in your own time.

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)| Conflict Analysis - part of a variety of free and paid online courses that can be completed in your own time

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) | Security Sector Reform - part of a variety of free and paid online courses that can be completed in your own time.

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) What is a Conflict – part of a variety of free and paid online courses that can be completed in your own time.

United States Institute of Peace (USIP) | Introduction to Conflict Analysis - part of a variety of free online courses that can be completed in your own time.

United States Institute of Peace (USIP) | Introduction to Negotiation and Conflict Management - part of a variety of free online courses that can be completed in your own time.

United States Institute of Peace (USIP) | Mediating Violent Conflict - part of a variety of free online courses that can be completed in your own time.·        

United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) | Basic Security in the Field - part of a variety of free online courses useful for those wanting to work in high risk environments


Harvard University | International Security Certificate - Chose from a variety of modules that can be completed online.

Institute of Risk Management | International Certificate in Risk Management - Chose from a variety of certificates and diplomas that can be completed online.

Peace Operations Training Institute | Chose from a variety of certificates and courses that can be completed online or in person.

Security Institute | Certificate in Security Management - Chose from a variety of certificates that can be completed online.

St Andrews University | Terrorism Studies - Chose from a variety of modules that can be completed online.

United Nations Staff System College (UNSSC) | Chose from a variety of certificates and courses that can be completed online or in person.